Training - Pierri Philanthropy Advisory

Pierri Philanthropy Advisory deals with different types of clients working in grant-making activities or in social investments, by offering consulting and training services to corporate, bank and family foundations, enterprises, family offices and individuals. The distinctive value of Pierri Philanthropy Advisory's training activity lies in that it pursues a broader view of philanthropy and of its cultural implications, as well as of its future developments both in Italy and abroad.

Our distinctive values
Our training activities are based on:
  • a well-established operational expertise both in the social services area and in international development aid;
  • a global view which combines social, cultural, economic and organizational factors;
  • a critical approach to activities and results able to highlight the weaknesses and challenges of the non-profit sector;
  • a specific focus on the current changes as well as on the new practices and trends at local and international level.
Based on this approach, the training courses offered by Pierri Philanthropy Advisory aim at stimulating critical thinking and at raising awareness on social issues, so as to provide customers with useful tools and criteria for their decision making-processes.