Our training offer - Pierri Philanthropy Advisory

Our training offer
Pierri Philanthropy Advisory offers customer-oriented training programs based on clients' specific needs and focusing on issues related to philanthropy, social economy and the non-profit sector, such as the new trends of global philanthropy, philanthropic enterprises and social finance.

The training activities offered by PPA can be structured in different formats:
  • beginner and advanced courses: mainly addressing enterprises and foundations, these courses can last one or two days and aim at strengthening specific management and operational competences;
  • orientation days: these events focus on helping enterprises or families manage the start-up phase of their philanthropic activities;
  • seminars: these events aim at stimulating critical thinking and dialogue on specific issues. Seminars can last from two hours to two days and can be structured in modules based on a regular meetings' schedule.
All the initiatives will be arranged in the required location.

For further information on the courses' organization and fees, please contact us at +39 349 6671996 or email us at info@pierriphilanthropy.com